Shoreline Housing Action Plan



The City of Shoreline hired Community Attributes and CAST to provide a Housing Needs Assessment and Housing Action Plan, to show how they could evolve their residential neighborhoods over time from predominantly detached single-family homes to a mix of incrementally higher density housing types: townhouses, cottage clusters, small apartment buildings, and small house infill. As the population continues to grow, and with the completion of light rail through the city, encouraging the construction of additional affordable and market-rate housing in a greater variety of housing types and price levels is critical to maintaining the quality and diversity of the neighborhoods. The work included a toolkit for zoning and funding tools and plans for cottage housing, “missing middle” friendly zoning, small-lot single family, tiny houses, density bonus exceptions, affordable-housing levy, and a real estate excise tax.

Green Design: Green Zoning

(FAR in the graphics refers to Floor Area Ratio.)

green zoning, missing middle housing, urban density, rendering
green zoning, missing middle housing, urban density, rendering